Enhance dedupe
OK, so dedupe picks out and removes duplicated records.
But what about the spurious or "near" duplicates that crop up.
I've seen records which are duplicated because they've been stored under two Types with the same name! Ditto with two Categories with the same name. Dedupe didn't pick up on these.
I've had records which look identical to all intents and purposes, except an extra space character has been appended to the Notes field in one of the two records (a bug in Wi-fi sync?). Dedupe didn't pick on this.
Manual elimination of all these spurious / near duplicates is time
consuming when you have hundreds of records stored on Splashid.
If SplashID wants to considered in the grown-up, professional marketplace, it needs a tool to manage SplashID data inconsistencies that arise.
My suggestion would be to enhance the dedupe facility to process all stored records, and list all "near-duplicates" in per cent duplication order. i.e. if two records were very, very nearly copies of each other they would be 99%.
The report could identify which specific fields differ between the two records.
Dedupe could also detect and correct any duplication of Types and Categories that exist.