540 results found
1 vote
1 vote
Expand and Collapse Sorted Groups
I like the sorted by groups option, but I would like to be able to tap or click the group name and expand or collapse that group. Maybe have an option in settings to default all groups as expanded or collapsed as well.
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Export and Import Record Type Template
Would be nice to be able to export Record Types as a template file... Maybe an Excel file... then enter new record(s) information in templates then import those files into SplashID to add new records. This could aid in batch record entry.
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Please answer Support Requests
Please answer Support Requests
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Add secondary authentication option for designated records
Not every record deserves this but the most sensitive data could. The finger print scan can be hacked so perhaps allowing banking records to require a response before unmasking a password would be helpful. There have been a couple of recommendations to use a specific methodology but I thought the suggestion should be generic, hence this post.
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Make Sync always work reliably!
The best new feature would be for consistent, reliable sync, whether USB or Cloud! I gave up on cloud sync after it consistently deleted my attachments (despite Tech Support's lackluster efforts). Why not put your development efforts into making SplashID work reliably?
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Automatic scroll when typing in notes field
When in a record and typing in the notes field; if you hit enter the next line drops out of view. You have to manually scroll down to see your text. The scroll bar should automatically move the new line into view.
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1 vote
Allow variable parameters for generating a new password in each record. Some sites allow longer passwords, some allow special charaters.
Click on Generate, get a screen that allows the user to select number of characters, Cap or no caps, special characters or not, specific special characters list when site only allows $ % ! _ for instance.
Remember the selections for each record.1 vote -
have SplashID automatically timeout only in the background.
I suggest you have SplashID automatically timeout only in the background. Right now, when the timeout occurs, it grabs the cursor and interrupts what was currently in process -- annoying and time consuming. Better yet, give us the option for no timeout.
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Correct Crashing on Androids when using search
SplashID crashes when using the search on Android Notes 3 phone. Correct the issue
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Find a faster way of resetting a password. I have been waiting 2.5 hours.
Find a faster way of resetting their SplashID password. I have been waiting 2.5 hours. There is no chat or person to talk to and I'm paying for PRO.
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When the app is opened, have it default under categories and types to what it was last opened in such as "web logins".
Every time I open the app I must go select category and/or types verses it defaulting to what I used last (and that usually means most). This makes it faster.
Great app overall for sure - keep improving it!1 vote -
Need desktop mode
We need desktop mode on Windows! Full screen Metro mode is a huge pain when you primarily use desktop
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Bring back the ability to search from within the list
In the original version of the desktop app, if you clicked an item in the list and then started typing, the selection would jump to the closest match in the list. That would let you view not just what you searched for but the entries above and below it in the list. This was very useful if you had several similar entries. The new version only lets you search and only displays "hits." If you try to use the original functionality from within the list, the selection only jumps to the first entry with that letter. If you keep typing…
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Passwords set to expire and remind you to change.
Passwords expire and remind you to change according to frequency set.
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Logout Button
Quick push logout instead of having to go to the menu to logout.
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Multiple record editing i.e., able to change 'categories' and/or 'types' for selected records.
Multiple record editing i.e., able to change 'categories' and/or 'types' for selected records.
1 vote
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