Hide records you no longer want to see, but dont want to delete
Using SplashID over the years you end up with hundreds of records, many are older and unused.
You don't want to delete them because in the future you may need these old credentials.
They also help you remeber if you have previously registered on a website, but most of the time they just add clutter.
You could recategorise them as OLD or use the favourites feature, but they still display in All Categories listing where I do most of my viewing.
It would be really nice to have a feature to be able to mark records as HIDDEN.
The records retain all their original catagory settings etc. but are not visible in any category unless you select a button to show them.
This is not the same as the favourite records feature. If I mark records I regularly use as favourites and select favourites category,
it shows the records I want to see (and not the older records), but when I want to view my records using a different category,
then both the favourites and non-favourites (older records) still display.