Support multiple attachments
Each record should have flexibility to store multiple attachments. Currently the app allows for adding only 1 attachment to a record.

Anonymous commented
How do you attach a card image? Every card has front and back. The obvious solution is snap a pic, attach, snap 2nd pic, attach. Yet the attach button in splashid is very non intuitive.
dw commented
Yes, multiple attachment would sure be handy. Please add this functionality. Also the size limitation is a bit restrictive. Unless there is some unavoidable reason to limit.. I suggest this be increased also.. maybe to 2 or 3 MB total for all attachments.
Nikolai Filipov commented
@Roman - you can combine 2, 3 or more images into 1 image, then add that.
But we will note your interest. -
Roman commented
every card has a
- front-side
- back-side -
Anonymous commented
Please allow more than one attachment. Sometimes it is important to show both sides of and Insurance card for example. Also, please allow the iphone app to use other sizes other than a square
Anonymous commented
I agree. I currently need to have more than one record to save things that requires 2 or more attachments. (I have records of Passport, ID's, etc). Also an option to save the attachments would be great.
Drake Christensen commented
It's less convenient, but, one workaround is to bundle multiple items into a zip file
Anonymous commented
Yes this is a very useful option to add attachments